meskipun tempoh bersama tu kjap je, tp anies da plan mcm2 apa nk buat dgn incek comei during weekend tempohari. antaranya:
* gi seminar free Dr. Irfan Khairi @ Vistana hotel (cancel)
* mkn ais krim free @ Bkt Bintang (cancel)
* mkn @ restoran Insaf (cancel)
*ronda-roda ronda-ronda 1 KL (cancel)
* tgk wayang cite No String Attached (cancel sbb incek comei dlm sleepy mode. karang tak psl2 tido dlm panggung - rugi!)
* tgk trophy CL @ Sunway [passed ;-( ]
plan bagai nk rak tp yg menjadi satu je. adezzz tak pe la. dahulukan yg wajib iaitu bola. bola nyer kipas mati keras peminat bola cam kami berdua ni benda2 alah cam ni mmg syok. lps lunch kat USJ, kami trus ke Sunway. da tiba sn, aduhai... cari parking je nk dkt 1/2 jam. almaklumlah weekend!
oleh krn x survey lek lok kat ne location nyer, maka terpaksalah menjelajah skjap 1 sunway tu. finally jupe juga.. wah! suke! suke! (tp kami tak la melompat2)
selain main attraction; the trophy, kat sini jg turut dipamerkan some interesting memorabilia yg berkait dgn CL. tp kebanyakkannya related ngan team setan merah. tak mo la. baik layan yg ni, antaranya:
good news: those who are in Penang, the trophy will be presented at Gurney Plaza on 5-6 of March and will return back to KL at Pavillion a week later. so don't miss this chance ya! clik here for more info.
p/s lupe nk ckp, amik gambar dgn trophy ni F.O.C tau. anies ulang: F.O.C!