Be The Movement World Hunger Relief Charity Walk 2013 - Anies♥You

Be The Movement World Hunger Relief Charity Walk 2013

10:05 am

...السلام عليكم


This afternoon saw thousands of men, women and children wearing fluorescent green converge in Putrajaya in support of the World Hunger Relief (WHR) Malaysia 2013 campaign.

Held at Dataran Putrajaya, Presint 3, Putrajaya, the WHR campaign culminated in a charity walk cum mini carnival which started at 1pm. 

Participants were treated to a number of fun filled activities including inflatables, face painting, colouring contests, several game stalls as well as many other activities for the whole family to enjoy.

Addressing the highly motivated crowd, President and Chief Executive of Johor Corporation cum Chairman of QSR Brands (M) Holdings Sdn Bhd, Dato Kamaruzzaman Abu Kassim in a statement said, "It gets better every year, and this year is the best I have ever witnessed. Your participation has made a big difference in people's lives".

"I am proud to see the effort from our restaurants and how the event has gotten all our employees out on the track for a good cause."

"On behalf of everyone at KFC and Pizza Hut Malaysia, we are delighted to be a part of such a wonderful event by supporting the WHR 2013 campaign and the "Be the Movement" charity walk event," he added.

WHR, which was launched in 2007 has now become the world's largest private sector hunger relief effort.

This annual initiative leverages the power of Yum! Brands' global restaurant system and engages with over one million employees the world over, to raise awareness, volunteerism and funds for the United Nations World Food Programme (UN WFP) and other hunger relief agencies.

Since the launch of this programme, Yum! Brands has raised nearly USD$150 million, helping to provide nearly 600 million meals.

(sumber berita)

event ni berlangsung pada bulan lepas.
baru hari ni terhegeh2 nak update.
1st time join event sebegini yang mana diadakan pada sebelah petang.

beberapa minit sebelum charity walk bermula.
tahun ni dikhabarkan 12 000 orang mengambil bahagian.
majlis ni dirasmikan oleh YMH Raja Zarith Sofiah binti Almarhum Sultan Idris Shah, Sultanah Johor.

laluan charity walk ni tak jauh.
cuma 5KM je.
bermula dari dataran Istana Kehakiman hingga ke persimpangan menuju PICC dan berpatah balik.

cuaca petang tu sangaaaattt best dan cantik.
tak panas, tak hujan, tak mendung.
berangin je.
memang tak terasa peluh yang mengalir.

sebaik tiba di finishing line, para peserta dihiburkan oleh pasukan pancaragam dari Scotland!
okey, tipu...

macam biasa laa...
goodies bag yang meriah.
paling best dapat first aid tu.
tak payah pening2 kepala lagi nak beli first aid yang lain.

sijil penyertaan pertandingan mewarna.

for more info about World Hunger Relief programme, click here.

untuk adik2 ku selamat menduduki SPM. jawab lek lok k!

Echoes Of The Past: Old Stories Retold

30 Words of Lo♥e


  2. bagus anies ni tau...aktiviti cam ni memang elok..best pun best ni aka teringin juga tp masa tu takder...

  3. huhuhu miss this event too

    p/s: weekend ni ann tak dapat join jugak, ada family gathering. yang tesco walk for life join tak

  4. wahhh..happeningnya event ni anies...untung anies dpt join :))

  5. syioknyer bila nak ajak join xtvt gini... teringin gak rasanya...

  6. wah... gelombang hijau dah menyeranggggggg

  7. Yes..anies, hijau nampak cantik arr..

  8. bgsnya first aed tu ada isi ke kotak jer.. bgs jgk yer goodies mcm tu..

  9. wah... bestnya... ramai2 camni klu 10 km pn xrasa klu jalan kan... hehehe

  10. syoklah Anies yer selalu join event lagu tuh...

  11. meriahnya..hehe
    tak sabar hujung bulan nk pi picc

  12. anies..berjalan sambil menikmati pemandangan cantik di putrajaya..
    sure tak penat..santai2 je:-))

  13. cantik gambar nom 4 tu.
    mmg cantik cuaca time tu.

  14. pening sat... hehehe.. tgk gambar2 tu berpusing....bagus join aktiviti begini...

  15. Klu sya join..sya berlari2 anak je..sbb mmg x larat lari..ngeh..ngeh..

    Nnti sya buat kek tuk abam2 polis dgn polis plak eh..hehe ;)

  16. bagus2 rajin join program & event mcm ni !

  17. Istana kehakiman??? opis akak tu..hehe

  18. seronok dapat join aktiviti macam ni, lagi ramai lagi meriah... n sihat..

  19. Wah bagus event nya mizz. Acaranya meriah dan ramai banget. Jadi pengen ikutan saya, tapi jauh hehehe ^^

  20. Kalau ada dapat goodies bag jadikan kita lebih bersemangat, betul tak? hehee

  21. seronoknya ada event macam tu.. :)

  22. wahhh kite suka juga event mcm ni hihi

    plg best klo ade dpt goodies bag hikhik

  23. Seronoknya dapat join aktvti mcm ni...

  24. suker3... mcm best jer... mcm best jewwwww... ha3... haku gedix ;p

  25. dah lama aiza tak join aktiviti sebegini..

  26. seronoknya kalau dapat join aktiviti macam ni...

  27. dah lama tak join aktiviti menyihatkan badan macam ni...best!



yea yea...
mekacih korang!
nanti anies BW ya!
mungkin lewat BW..
tapi yang PASTI,
anies tetap akan
TERJAH blog korang!
