credit: personally, terharu sesgt d ats ucapan2 sempena my b'day yg d kirim oleh insan2 yg d kenali + d sayangi... terima kasih ats ingatan anda semua + d hrp ucapan itu adalah DOA drpd anda utk anies. so, utk menghargainya, anies publish kn ucapan2 u olz... via SMS / MMSSalam. slmt ulang tahun ke30.slmt bljr smpi habis.mudah2an smpi jodohnya inshaallah~sender: my...
ALHAMDULILLAH...this gratitude goes to Allah SWT...The Most Merciful, The True Guidance...The One Who gives me a chance to breath in this world once again...Lord, please blessing me for another 30 years to come my mama,for bringing me to this world, i thank you ma...for endlessly prayers and support, i thank you ma...for being there when i need you, i thank you ma...for the...
wanna know about LEOS?it's not 100% true but just take it as your extra knowledge...x rugi pn malah you'll understand LEOS more n more.... Leo Strength Keywords - Confident - Ambitious - Generous - Loyal - Encouraging (setuju3x!!) Leo Weakness Keywords - Pretentious - Domineering - Melodramatic - Stubborn - Vain (la, yeke?? x kot? hehehe) Leo and Independence Leo is very independent...
"pe tuh?" "wats that??" kalu nk tau ni la dia... tadaaa...mesin getah = 'rubber machine' kui kui kui pe cite sbnr nyer ni? x de pe...just nk rewind memori cinta luka ttg mesin getah ni mesin getah ni mengingatkn anies dgn arwah atuk dulu. dia seorg penoreh getah. bla getah da beku, n x de sape nk tlg dia, so anies la yg...
"suke, suke, sukeee..." ms blk kg ari2, 1 perkara yg plg d tggu2 ialah...nk mkn buah2an puas2. waduh...bla tiba fruity season ni, yg best nyer, rs suasana cm wangi je...x tau knape. haha... org bandar x kn fhm keadaan ni. haaa 2 la kelebihan org yg dok kt kg. nk mkn buah, just petik je dr tangkai. x yah kuar $$. k...
rs nyer blom terlmbt nk ucapkn selamat pengantin baru kt izwan + harizah... semoga d murahkn rezeki, d pnjg kn usia + d kurniakn zuriat yg soleh + solehah...aminnnn (credit: wan's FB) si wan ni used to be my classmate during our days at SKDHB. ms kenduri, 2 la 1st time anies jupe dia since 1992!! (lama ooo...) muka x berubah...sik baek ekau...
Date: 10th – 18th July 2010 Venue: Persisiran Tasik Presint 2 PutrajayaTheme: Keindahan Tropika so excited... thats wat i feel ms menjejakkan kaki kt festival ni... tp keterujaan 2 d...
i'll talk to my friend,who knows just what to say;to make my stresses go,and my troubles fade away. my friend you're always there for me,whenever i feel blue;and though we've never met before,i know our friendship is true. and although we haven't been friends for long,in this short time it seems;we shared so many things already,our hopes, our fears, our dreams. we come...
Felicidad La Roja!! Jaringan pd extra time by Andres Iniesta Luhan da ckp buat skuad Vicente del Bosque d nobatkn sbg juara 4 the