Kerana LiverpoolFC episode 2 - Anies♥You

Kerana LiverpoolFC episode 2

9:27 am

(continue from episode 1 [click here])

Memandangkan event sebegini pertama kali dibuat / dianjurkan oleh Standard Chartered Bank since diorang jadi sponsorship for the club last year. so rasanya tak nak la lepaskan peluang. almaklumlah, nak terbang ke anfield, belum mampu lagi. so layan je la apa yang ada kat Pavilion ni. bak kata orang, amik feeellll...

giant jersy... ada sapa nak cuba try pakai?

club honors on red carpet

some famous banners - directly bring from Anfield

i miss number 16 ~ oh, my Didi Hamann

some player's jersey @ 'changing room'

unable to make a trip to Anfield but @ Pavilion is more than just enuf! (ayat2 hint)

press conference alongside Gerrard and Meireles... tak pe. just once in a lifetime ;-)

This is Anfield. just a replica but means too much for us!

the famous Shankly Gate...

door gift for visitors - poster with palyers' signature and car sticker

tengah syok2 layan, tetiba Andrew call. alamak!

to be cont. episode 3

Echoes Of The Past: Old Stories Retold

7 Words of Lo♥e

  1. gate yg femes tu...klu buat design camtu utk rumah aku pehh...

  2. ada episod jugak ehh .. hii

    minat bola ek ??

  3. wah!seronoknyer...ni mesti peminat Liverpool..

  4. miss anies : ni lah baru dinamakan fanatik...('',)

  5. fuiyooo..
    liverpool tue..hehe

  6. x per2. lepas ni kt wat trip ke Anfield yer....



yea yea...
mekacih korang!
nanti anies BW ya!
mungkin lewat BW..
tapi yang PASTI,
anies tetap akan
TERJAH blog korang!
