Selamat Pengantin Baru Umi & Haidar - Anies♥You

Selamat Pengantin Baru Umi & Haidar

3:15 pm

Umi is one of my 2pupu (her mom + my mom = cousin) has finally found her soul mate. Congratulation! As the youngest daughter in her family, this wedding perhaps become one of 'wedding of the year' hehehe..y? just kidding la... with RED THEMED WEDDING, all u can c is everything was flourished by the sea of red colour..haha..but i missed one of the events..majlis berinai besar (at nite) bcoz i was too tired.. Juz enjoy the pic k..

 kek hantaran from bride's side


 pelamin utk nikah
 hantaran from bride's side

 mas kawen just RM40

 hantaran from groom's side

 kueh genggang mak pun absolutely mabeles!

 munge pahau WAJIB ada

 nasi hujan panas

 naik beca FREE

 sekadar memposing kn diri je

 cuma blk pengantin je bkn kaler merah
cake cutting session

:: more pic click HERE

may happiness always by your side..Aminnn

Echoes Of The Past: Old Stories Retold

4 Words of Lo♥e

  1. uiitt..baju merah pengantin laki sama cam baju yang penah gua pakai le..hhehehe

  2. Lain macam fesyen pengantin perempuan masa akad nikah tu...



yea yea...
mekacih korang!
nanti anies BW ya!
mungkin lewat BW..
tapi yang PASTI,
anies tetap akan
TERJAH blog korang!
