01/11/2010 - 01/12/2010 - Anies♥You


Bla msk opis, perkara pertama yg akn anies buat ialah on computer surf tenet. One of my fav sites is http://www.kosmo.com.my. 4 me, bc news pg2 mmg bgs sbb ms 2 otak kita masih fresh lg + pd ms yg sm 'memori' kita terhadap sesuatu news 2 akn lbh kekal lama. x caya? acu cuba try test power! tp kali ni anies bkn...

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Selamat Pengantin Baru Umi & Haidar

Umi is one of my 2pupu (her mom + my mom = cousin) has finally found her soul mate. Congratulation! As the youngest daughter in her family, this wedding perhaps become one of 'wedding of the year' hehehe..y? just kidding la... with RED THEMED WEDDING, all u can c is everything was flourished by the sea of red colour..haha..but i missed one of...

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Aidil Adha dan citer nyer..

Memula, igt kn x nk blk beraya sbb on 20th Nov nk kn blk lg sbb dak umi kawen. then apply cuti hari jumaat (19hb). ms dok releks2 kt umah, p-k smule.mmm..better la anies blk raya. cuti yg da approve 2 d bw ke ari selasa but ptg raya 2 nk x nk kn la blk kl jg. ari isnin, jupe kak adah....

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x yah tanya la..korang mesti da tgk cite ni kn?kn?  Google pic best kn? ini krn watak2 tupai tanah a.k.a chipmunks yg comei + funny + patuh ni bisa menghiburkn jiwa yg lara, gundah gulana, blur2, hati kacau, etc ni.. eh eh apsal tetiba emo ni? benor nyer anies ghindu..ghindu kt 'Theodore'.. la..Theodore tu kn slh 1 watak dlm cite ni kn?  Google...

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cuti2 mesia

From PD wif luv

sbnr nyer anies xde mood nk update.. dlm bhs yg cun = M.A.L.A.S sesgt... da siap separuh tp postponed utk d publish kn..adoiii. tp krn anies syg kn korang seme (ceh!) maka, anies gagahkn la jg kaki tangan ni utk menyiapkn entry ni.. Permaisuri Resort Tanjung Tuan, PD   anies ke PD / tanjung tuan ni sbnr nyer menyempel ngan alg. kementerian dia...

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