01/10/2010 - 01/11/2010 - Anies♥You
book fair

Kuala Lumpur International Book Fair 2011

weiii... ape ni?? hah hah... knape? cpt sgt ke update nyer? eh, x de la... tp 2011..lmbt lg 2... betolll...lmbt lg... tp x slh kn kite kepoh2 kn awl2? kn? kn? 22 April ~ 1 May 2011 ye.. ni la official date nyer..d mn akn berlangsung Kuala Lumpur International Book Fair 2011 kali yg ke 30..kali ke 30??btol..kali ke 30 da..da sm usia...

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i can't waitttt!!!!

credit: sstpowersaver.com Hey, wats tat? Oh my God, I've been waiting soooooo long... now, its abt 10.30am n i hv 2 wait   ??   hours more 2 'SEE....'!! yeah..  i feel like sumthing 'jumping-jumping' + 'dancing-dancing' in my stomach. Dear God, i just pray 1 thing. Hopefully everythg goes well... ...

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Latest Products Up 4 Grab!

Terbitan Terbaru!  Sblm ni anies ada beritau ttg buku terbaru (here) terbitan Blue-T. Ye, mmg btol, mostly buku2 ni anies la yg handle dr awl smpi la proses output (bkn anies sorg yg handle, ada ramai lg yg trt menyumbang tenaga). This time, wanna share the latest products published by my company. Best Seller!!Antara product TERLARIS... SIRI ANA SOLEHAH & ini adalh siri...

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14 October 2010..

(credit:dressupmyspace.com) Another year to create,Precious memories together,Another year to discover,New things to enjoy about each other,Another year to build,A life rich in love and laughter,Another year to strengthen,A friendship defines forever. (luv ya!) ...

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